Hi all!
Well, this post is not about Les Crouquets or anything else related to running gites or life in France…no, it’s just a straightforward and unadulterated plea from a mother trying to help her son….and of course nothing at all to do with a competitive streak which dictates that the show will most definitely not be over until the fat lady sings. Even if when you pitch a family of cutie kiddies up against a teenage rival it all seems quite futile!!!
Anyway here’s the situation. Alistair has got himself to the final of a photo competition and is currently running in 2nd place ( behind the very popular Cute Family ). The prize is a super duper electric guitar and as he has just set up a band* with his friends this much needed trophy which is sitting just out of reach (well, quite a bit out of reach really but you’ve got to stay focused!) is driving us all mad!!
Here is his photo entry
All you need to do is click on the link above and like his photo on his Music School’s Facebook page. Simples. Oh and please, if you can pass on the link to anyone who will indulge us with a like we will be forever grateful…at least if he doesn’t win, we’ll go out with all guns blazing!!!
* The band is called Sweet Chaos ( rock of course) which just about sums it up!! Why on earth I am encouraging him to add to the assault on my old ears is anyone’s guess 😉
Massive thanks in advance to all who vote!!
I came, I saw, I clicked. the photo is fantastic – full of all the vitality I had back in the days I wasn’t scared of breaking something. Fingers crossed!
Thanks Joanna – much appreciated!! He was ahead this morning now he’s in 2nd place 🙁 – only one close rival who’s sharing like crazy ..I can’t keep up & I can’t stand the stress!!!! What we do for our kids!!!
Ta Dahhh!!! HE WON!!! HUGE thanks to all our family, friends, friends of friends, guests, blog readers,forum members and complete strangers who pulled out all the stops to help him win …he is made up!! Collecting guitar on Wed – photo to follow 🙂 🙂 🙂
Yeaaaaaaah! Happy happy happy for Alistair – can’t wait to see the main man playing his guitar (do we get a peep at a video?).
Can’t get a video to upload here :/ but here is the famous guitar!!