
No sooner had we got over the culinary marathon of the Hunter’s Dinner than the local Mechoui was upon us….another mega feast not really designed for the faint hearted!

spitroasted lamb!

spitroasted lamb!

This time there was the traditional Périgord soup, salad with copious amounts of gésiers (chicken livers!) more roasted lamb than you could shake a stick at, served with the usual white bean stew, then bread & cheese, ice cream and then finished off with strong dark coffee.

Roast lamb & lots of it!!

Sadly I’m not a fan of lamb unless it’s smothered in mint sauce ( not readily supplied in France 🙁 ) but they were good enough to also come round with a tray of roast chicken for me and the other non- gourmets like me!!

The entertainment this time was a bit different – a fantastic rock band from Périgueux who go by the name of Hush Money and who kept us alive & kicking into the early hours of the morning.

Rock Band - Hush Money

They were also happy to let Emma open the show with 7 or 8 songs in  French & English and she was delighted to borrow their stylish “Tête de Mort” microphone!

Singing along side Hush Money

singing with the Tête de mort microphone

Just enough time left to recover before the next event – La Cassagne’s annual fair on Sunday 25th August….!

2 thoughts on “Mechoui!

  1. Isn’t it funny how French bands often have English names that are better than anything we brits could think up? I want roast lamb and mint sauce now. By the way, have a look at your local “Carrefour” or “Leclerc” for mint sauce- they probably have a foreign food section that’s often called “Produits du monde”. I found my mint sauce there, and I pull it out to intimidate our French dinner guests 😀

    • Oh I always have a pot of Colman’s Mint Sauce in my fridge MM !! I had meant to take it along that night but forgot.I have tried making my own but somehow it’s never the same as the industrially produced commercial stuff 🙁

      I always make sure to make our French friends try it if we’re having lamb..they all do so very reluctantly but so far I have converted them all 🙂

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